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Java Instance not starting




Java server0 is not starting. It is getting stopped after status 'starting framework'. All other process are running fine. The server was running fine before reboot. My server is ABAP+JAVA system. Below is the trace file of server 0. Appreciate your help.



trc file: "G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"


node name   : ID47672350

pid         : 4280

system name : EC6

system nr.  : 04

started at  : Fri Feb 21 11:48:53 2014

arguments      :

      arg[00] : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jlaunch.exe

      arg[01] : pf=G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\profile\EC6_JC04_MOOSAP

      arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=EC6_04_server

      arg[03] : pf=G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\profile\EC6_JC04_MOOSAP



[Thr 6500] Fri Feb 21 11:48:53 2014

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.box.number=EC6JC04moosap] [jstartxx.c   841]

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.host=MOOSAP] [jstartxx.c   841]

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3205] [jstartxx.c   841]

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.system.id=4] [jstartxx.c   841]



JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties]

-> ms host    : MOOSAP

-> ms port    : 3905

-> OS libs    : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs

-> Admin URL  :

-> run mode   : NORMAL

-> run action : NONE

-> enabled    : yes





Used property files

-> files [00] : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties




Instance properties

-> ms host    : MOOSAP

-> ms port    : 3905

-> os libs    : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs

-> admin URL  :

-> run mode   : NORMAL

-> run action : NONE

-> enabled    : yes




Bootstrap nodes

-> [00] bootstrap            : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties

-> [01] bootstrap_ID47672300 : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties

-> [02] bootstrap_ID47672350 : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties




Worker nodes

-> [00] ID47672300           : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties

-> [01] ID47672350           : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\instance.properties



[Thr 6500] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc

[Thr 6500] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread

[Thr 5864] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 5864 started as listener thread for np messages.

[Thr 6140] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 6140 started as semaphore monitor thread.

[Thr 6500] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202)

[Thr 6500] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => Maximum Java heap size specified twice (through maxHeapSize and in javaParameters) - using -Xmx1024m [jstartxx.c   2604]

[Thr 6500] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter

    Java Home: E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64

[Thr 6500] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jvmx.jar



JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID47672350]

-> node name          : server0

-> node type          : server

-> node execute       : yes

-> jlaunch parameters :

-> java path          : E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64

-> java parameters    : -Djava.security.policy=./java.policy -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.sap.engine.system.ORBProxy -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=com.sap.engine.system.ORBSingletonProxy -Djavax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass=com.sap.engine.system.PortableRemoteObjectProxy -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.SAXParser -verbose:gc -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=320m -XX:MaxNewSize=320m -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseParNewGC -Drdbms.driverLocation=G:/usr/sap/EC6/SYS/exe/uc/NTAMD64/mssjdbc/sqljdbc.jar

-> java vm version    : 1.4.2_31-b03

-> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

-> java vm type       : server

-> java vm cpu        : amd64

-> heap size          : 1024M

-> init heap size     : 1024M

-> stack size         : 2M

-> root path          : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\server0

-> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.

-> OS libs path       : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs

-> main class         : com.sap.engine.boot.Start

-> framework class    : com.sap.bc.proj.jstartup.JStartupFramework

-> registr. class     : com.sap.bc.proj.jstartup.JStartupNatives

-> framework path     : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jstartup.jar;G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jvmx.jar

-> shutdown class     : com.sap.engine.boot.Start

-> parameters         :

-> debuggable         : no

-> debug mode         : no

-> debug port         : 50421

-> shutdown timeout   : 120000



[Thr 6500] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]

[Thr 5044] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 5044 started as Java VM thread.

[Thr 5044] [JHVM_PrepareVMOptions] use java parameters set by profile parameter

    Java Parameters: -Xss2m



JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]

-> stack   : 1048576 Bytes

-> arg[  0]: exit

-> arg[  1]: abort

-> arg[  2]: vfprintf

-> arg[  3]: -Djava.security.policy=./java.policy

-> arg[  4]: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom

-> arg[  5]: -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.sap.engine.system.ORBProxy

-> arg[  6]: -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=com.sap.engine.system.ORBSingletonProxy

-> arg[  7]: -Djavax.rmi.CORBA.PortableRemoteObjectClass=com.sap.engine.system.PortableRemoteObjectProxy

-> arg[  8]: -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=com.sap.engine.lib.xml.parser.SAXParser

-> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc

-> arg[ 10]: -Djco.jarm=1

-> arg[ 11]: -XX:PermSize=512m

-> arg[ 12]: -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

-> arg[ 13]: -XX:NewSize=320m

-> arg[ 14]: -XX:MaxNewSize=320m

-> arg[ 15]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2

-> arg[ 16]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

-> arg[ 17]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

-> arg[ 18]: -XX:+UseTLAB

-> arg[ 19]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

-> arg[ 20]: -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

-> arg[ 21]: -Djava.awt.headless=true

-> arg[ 22]: -XX:+UseParNewGC

-> arg[ 23]: -Drdbms.driverLocation=G:/usr/sap/EC6/SYS/exe/uc/NTAMD64/mssjdbc/sqljdbc.jar

-> arg[ 24]: -Dsys.global.dir=G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\global

-> arg[ 25]: -Dapplication.home=G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe

-> arg[ 26]: -Djava.class.path=G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jstartup.jar;G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.

-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.library.path=E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\jre\bin\server;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\jre\bin;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\bin;G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs;E:\Windows\system32;E:\Windows;E:\Windows\System32\Wbem;E:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\bin;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64

-> arg[ 28]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M

-> arg[ 29]: -Xmx1024M

-> arg[ 30]: -Xms1024M

-> arg[ 31]: -Xss2M

-> arg[ 32]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL

-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=4280

-> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=Q1483080758

-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.whoami=server

-> arg[ 37]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no

-> arg[ 38]: -Xss2m

-> arg[ 39]: -DSAPINFO=EC6_04_server

-> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1

-> arg[ 41]: -DSAPSYSTEM=04

-> arg[ 42]: -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=EC6

-> arg[ 43]: -DSAPMYNAME=MOOSAP_EC6_04


-> arg[ 45]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=MOOSAP



CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType _loadInto

[Thr 5044] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.



JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]




[Thr 3040] Fri Feb 21 11:48:55 2014

[Thr 3040] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in com.sap.bc.krn.perf.PerfTimes

[Thr 3040] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in com.sap.bc.proj.jstartup.JStartupFramework

[Thr 3040] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 47672350

[Thr 3040] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]

[Thr 3040] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1Ja)] to [Starting (2)]


Fri Feb 21 11:49:00 2014

6.790: [ParNew 163840K->12430K(966656K), 0.0245704 secs]


Fri Feb 21 11:49:02 2014

8.756: [ParNew 176270K->15086K(966656K), 0.0189822 secs]


Fri Feb 21 11:49:03 2014

9.659: [ParNew 178926K->19441K(966656K), 0.0095829 secs]


[Thr 5468] Fri Feb 21 11:49:05 2014

[Thr 5468] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in com.sap.mw.rfc.driver.CpicDriver

[Thr 3484] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)

[Thr 3484] **********************************************************************

*** ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.

*** Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'

*** for additional information and trouble shooting.


[Thr 3484] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)

Troubleshooting Guide for GOS


I would like to share with you that I'm currently engaged in one of my personal projects creating the Generic Object Services (GOS) Troubleshooting Guide.

Please check it and update me with your feedback in a direct message on SCN. More information about GOS can be found in the online help documentation.

The GOS FAQ (created in 2009 and updated frequently) can also provide helpful information regarding the most common questions in GOS, but I decided to create this troubleshooting guide to provide step-by-step guides for errors and questions on the behavior in different scenarios.

Portal HTTP message server port number is not working while redirecting in web Dispatcher


Dear All,


I'm trying to publish the SAP Portal using SAP Web dispatcher pointing to external IP address.

http://<web dispatcher host name>:<web dispatcher port>/ - to point SAP portal and

http://<web dispatcher host name>:<web dispatcher port>/sap/ - to point ECC Backend system


where as, pointing to ECC Backend system is working fine but when trying to launch portal it displays error




the portal http message server port is 8101


The web dispatcher profile parameters maintained as,


#DEV System 


wdisp/system_4=SID=<SID>,MSHOST=<BE system Host name>,MSPORT=8100,SRCSRV=*:7777,SRCURL=/sap/  

wdisp/system_5=SID=<SID>,MSHOST=<Portal system host name>,MSPORT=8100,SRCSRV=*:7777,SRCURL=/



Kindly need your suggestions.




SAP Netweaver 7.02 ABAP Trial Version - Password logon no longer possible


Hi All,


i have successfully installed a Trial version of SAP Netweaver 7.02 and GUI. Now some troubles  occur when i try to login using the SAP GUI. Now i see an error message: "Password logon nolonger possible - too many failed attempts". Have anyone got this problem? I tried to login with BCUSER(pwd: abcd1234), DDIC (Installer PW: 19920706) and SAP (Installer PW: 06071992)*

but all were unsuccesfull.


Thanks for any tips

System Copy


Hey all


i was going through system copy guides and was struck with a huge doubt.what if i want to upgrade from windows 2003 to windows 2008 and also oracle 10 to 11g ,which method is feasable.?


Thank you in advance.

MDM Web service exposes JAXBElement



I got an issue with the standard MDM WSDL file, I have imported the WSDL file either in a CAF or WD application but in the JAVA Classes all the values are created as JAXBElement type.  So I am not able to set the value for that type JAXBElement<String>.


I want to know how to set the value for JAXBElement<String>


Thanking you in advance,


SAP Side Effects Analysis


Hi All


We have a patch upgrade coming up in the next months or so and we have been sent the SAP Side Effects Reports(Impact Analysis) by the SAP Basis Team.


My question is: How do I go about understanding the SAP Side Effect List or Report? What to look for?  What key points should I consider?


Take note that this is not the first patch upgrade project I was ever involved with and it always baffles me in terms of how do we take the report and apply that to our own environment. This however seems to have gone very well in the past with regards to the patch upgrade projects that I was involved in and I am asking this question so that I better understand and guide our clients appropriately.



The patch upgrade project is planned on the following system: ECC(SAP ECC 6.0), BW(SAP_BW 730 0008)  and BO.


Kindly provide guidelines, How To's, Best practice,Pro-active maintenance and all other information that might useful in this regard.


NB:I have searched SCN and other sites relating to this and unfortunately I did not find full useful information or anything close for that matter.



Herbert Magopurutse Naape

global host preparation


Hi all


Can someone explain me what is meant by global host preparation.?

Short Dump when writing the file to Unix.


Short text    Error when writing to the file "/appl/data/backlog/outbound/bop_bwfcstngall_erp



What happened?    Resource bottleneck


    The current program "ZPS_BACKLOG_NEW_READ" had to be terminated because

    a capacity limit has been reached.


_Error analysis

An error occurred when writing to the file



Error text: "A file, file system or message queue is no longer available."

Error code: 52

I am looking for OLAP (BW) system response time refrences




I need to present Reference Times DIA for my BI system. I have seen the Reference Time in RFC as below in EWA report. I am not able to get any  of such values in Google for BI system. We have these reference/SAP recommended values for ECC system but was not able to get these values in BI system.




  1. for Avg. Response Time[ms] - Yellow Rating
  2. for Avg. Response Time[ms] - Red Rating
  3. for Avg. DB time[ms] - Yellow Rating
  4. for Avg. DB time[ms] - Red Rating








Please help me with some values that can be used as reference/SAP recommended values for BI system to mark the transactions as green-red-yellow.




how to start sap.com/ess~wiw/WhoIsWhoApplication


Hello colleagues,


How to start sap.com/ess~wiw/WhoIsWhoApplication? The portal version is Netweaver 7.30.


Error in page,




SAP Netweaver AS ABAP 7.02 (dispatcher turns grey and stops)


I installed SAP Netweaver 7.02 on windows server 2008 R2.

The dispatcher service starts and stops automatically after certain amount of time.( Turns green to grey).


The developer trace for the above problem in as follows:



trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "720"


sysno 00

sid NSP

systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno 7200

patchlevel 0

patchno 46

intno 20020600

make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile \\Server-VA\sapmnt\NSP\SYS\profile\NSP_DVEBMGS00_Server-VA

pid 1248



Thu Feb 20 20:56:16 2014

kernel runs with dp version 125000(ext=118000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-125000-UC)

length of sys_adm_ext is 588 bytes

*** SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***

***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 1248) [dpxxdisp.c 1252]

shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_mdm.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_rndrt.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_abp.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_sym.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

shared lib "dw_aci.dll" version 46 successfully loaded

rdisp/softcancel_sequence : -> 0,5,-1

use internal message server connection to port 3900

rdisp/dynamic_wp_check : 1

rdisp/calculateLoadAverage : 1

*** ERROR => DpNetCheck: NiServToNo(sapgw00) failed (rc=-3) [dpxxtool2.c 6255]


Thu Feb 20 20:56:21 2014

*** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 5 seconds

***LOG GZZ=> 2 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c 6393]

MtxInit: 30000 0 0

DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active

DpSysAdmExtInit: VMC (JAVA VM in WP) is active

DpIPCInit2: write dp-profile-values into sys_adm_ext

DpIPCInit2: start server >Server-VA_NSP_00 <

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 31696 (2264)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 5517056 (27448)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm) 64000 (64)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm) 64000 (64)

DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/16/584064/584080

DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 584080 (1144)

DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=512/48/65600/90416/156064

DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 156064 (104)

DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=2800/16/268864/268880

DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 268880 (80)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 30128 (2152)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (41664/36752/64/192)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 48

DpShMCreate: sizeof(j2ee_adm) 3936

DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 0000000007830050, size: 6812336)

DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 0000000007830060

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm_list at 0000000007833030

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 0000000007833220

DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 000000000783AE00

DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 000000000783AE50

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 0000000007D7DD60

DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 0000000007D8D770

DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 0000000007D9D180

DpShMCreate: allocated slock_adm at 0000000007E2BB20

DpShMCreate: allocated file_adm at 0000000007E51CD0

DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 0000000007E93730

DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm at 0000000007E937E0

DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 0000000007E9ADA0

DpShMCreate: allocated j2ee_adm at 0000000007E9ADE0

DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 0000000007E9BD50

DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 0000000007E9BD70

DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=0000000007D9D180/ft=0000000007D9D190)

DpSysAdmIntInit: initialize sys_adm

rdisp/test_roll : roll strategy is DP_NORMAL_ROLL

dia token check not active (6 token)

MBUF state OFF

DpCommInitTable: init table for 500 entries

DpFileInitTable: init table for 2800 entries

DpSesCreateTable: created session table at 0000000002FA0050 (len=161328)

DpRqQInit: keep protect_queue / slots_per_queue 0 / 2001 in sys_adm

rdisp/queue_size_check_value : -> on,50,30,40,500,50,500,80

EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

MM global diagnostic options set: 0

<ES> client 0 initializing ....

<ES> InitFreeList

<ES> block size is 4096 kByte.

<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB( 8190MB) not multiple of em/blocksize_KB( 4096KB)

<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB rounded up to 8192MB

Using implementation view

<EsNT> Using memory model view.

<EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default

<ES> 2047 blocks reserved for free list.

ES initialized.

DpVmcSetActive: set vmc state DP_VMC_ENABLED

DpVmcSetActive: set vmc state DP_VMC_ACTIVE

DpVmcInit2: o.k.

MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%


Thu Feb 20 20:56:22 2014

rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp : 1 -> 1

***LOG CPS=> DpLoopInit, ICU ( 3.4 3.4 4.1) [dpxxdisp.c 1638]

***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( Server-VA) [dpxxdisp.c 12244]


DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >Server-VA_NSP_00 <)

DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent

CCMS uses Shared Memory Key 73 for monitoring.

CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.

CCMS: Initalized shared memory of size 60000000 for monitoring segment.

CCMS: Checking Downtime Configuration of Monitoring Segment.

CCMS: AlMsUpload called by wp 1024.


Thu Feb 20 20:56:23 2014

CCMS: AlMsUpload successful for C:\usr\sap\NSP\DVEBMGS00\log\ALMTTREE.DAT (641 MTEs).

CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).

DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID

***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c 1296]


DpWpBlksLow: max wp blocks in queue is 800 (80 %)

MBUF component UP

DpMsgProcess: 1 server in MBUF

DpAppcBlksLow: max appc blocks in queue is 500 (50 %)


Thu Feb 20 20:57:02 2014

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W0 (pid 3052) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W1 (pid

2092) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W2 (pid 2200) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W3 (pid 2664) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W4 (pid 492) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W5 (pid 1572) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W6 (pid 1380) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W7 (pid 1036) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W8 (pid 1964) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W9 (pid 2776) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W10 (pid 1540) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W11 (pid 500) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxwp.c 1507]

*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpWPCheck: no more work processes

*** DISPATCHER EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN ***increase tracelevel of WPs

NiWait: sleep (10000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 10000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:12 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (10000ms)

dump system status

Workprocess Table (long) Fri Feb 21 04:57:12 2014



No Type Pid Status Cause Start Rstr Err Sem Time Program Cl User Action Table


0 DIA -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

1 DIA -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

2 DIA -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

3 DIA -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

4 DIA -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

5 DIA -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

6 UPD -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

7 ENQ -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

8 BTC -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

9 BTC -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

10 SPO -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

11 UP2 -1 Ended no no 1 0 0

Dispatcher Queue Statistics Fri Feb 21 04:57:12 2014




| Typ | now | high | max | writes | reads |


| NOWP | 0 | 2 | 2000 | 4 | 4 |


| DIA | 5 | 5 | 2000 | 5 | 0 |


| UPD | 0 | 0 | 2000 | 0 | 0 |


| ENQ | 0 | 0 | 2000 | 0 | 0 |


| BTC | 0 | 0 | 2000 | 0 | 0 |


| SPO | 0 | 0 | 2000 | 0 | 0 |


| UP2 | 0 | 0 | 2000 | 0 | 0 |



max_rq_id 9

wake_evt_udp_now 0


wake events total 7, udp 4 ( 57%), shm 3 ( 42%)

since last update total 7, udp 4 ( 57%), shm 3 ( 42%)


DpGetLoadAverage: la1[1] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la5[1] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la15[1] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

Dispatcher Load Statistics


| Typ | LA1 | LA5 | LA15 |


| DIA | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |


DpGetLoadAverage: la1[2] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la5[2] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la15[2] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

| UPD | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |


DpGetLoadAverage: la1[3] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la5[3] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la15[3] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

| ENQ | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |


DpGetLoadAverage: la1[4] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la5[4] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la15[4] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

| BTC | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |


DpGetLoadAverage: la1[5] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la5[5] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la15[5] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

| SPO | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |


DpGetLoadAverage: la1[6] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la5[6] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

DpGetLoadAverage: la15[6] = 0.000000 / -1.000000 %

| UP2 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |


Dump of tm_adm structure: Fri Feb 21 04:57:12 2014



Term uid man user term lastop mod wp ta a/i (modes)

RM-T14, U15, , , 20:56:23, M0, W-1, , 1/0


Workprocess Comm. Area Blocks Fri Feb 21 04:57:12 2014



Slots: 1000, Used: 1, Max: 1


| id | owner | pid | eyecatcher |


| 0 | DISPATCHER | -1 | 0xdeadbeef |


NiWait: sleep (5000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 5000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:17 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (5000ms)

DpHalt: shutdown server >Server-VA_NSP_00 < (normal)


DpMBufRead: read server list from MBUF (1 entries)

DpMBufMod: name [Server-VA_NSP_00 ], types 191 state 3 (0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0)

DpMBufMod: call hooks for event MBUF_DPEVT_DSTATE (5->3)

AdGetSelfIdentRecord: > <

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60 call 00000001417434D0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

DpWpBlksLow: wp_blks_in_queue/limit/max = 1/800/1000

DpLockWpBlkEx: lock wp ca_blk 1

make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 1

DpRqIPutIntoQ: put elem in queue DIA, elems=6

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into queue (reqtype 1, prio LOW, rq_id 10)

MBUF server state SHUTDOWN

DpModState: change state STARTING -> SHUTDOWN


NiBufSend starting

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes

MsIModState: change state to SHUTDOWN

DpModState: change server state from STARTING to SHUTDOWN

DpHalt: switch off Shared memory profiling

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )


ShmProtect( 57, 1 )


DpWakeUpWps: wake up all wp's

DpHalt: stop work processes

DpHalt: stop gateway

killing process (1716) (SOFT_KILL)

*** ERROR => DpProcKill: kill failed [dpntdisp.c 396]

DpHalt: stop icman

killing process (2096) (SOFT_KILL)

DpHalt: terminate gui connections

send SHUTDOWN to REM TM 14

DpWpBlksLow: wp_blks_in_queue/limit/max = 2/800/1000

DpLockWpBlkEx: lock wp ca_blk 2

return errno (-17) to T14

DpTmSend: errormsg without overhead: use mode 0

NiBufIAlloc: malloc NiBufadm, to 0 bytes

DpTmSend: try to send 14 bytes to T14/M0


NiBufSend starting

NiIWrite: hdl 25 sent data (wrt=14,pac=1,MESG_IO)

REL WP ca_blk 2

set status of T14 to TM_DISCONNECTED

NiBufISelUpdate: new MODE -- (r-) for hdl 25 in set0

SiSelNSet: set events of sock 1012 to: ---

NiBufISelRemove: remove hdl 25 from set0

SiSelNRemove: removed sock 1012 (pos=3)

SiSelNRemove: removed sock 1012

NiSelIRemove: removed hdl 25

DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 25 (pos/type=3/3)

NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 25/sock 1012

NiBufIClose: clear extension for hdl 25

dp_tm_adm[14].stat = DP_SLOT_FREE

DpGetSchedule: next schedule 1392958642/263000

DpGetSchedule: no schedule found

DpITmSlotRelease: release slot 14

DpListRemove: remove elem 14 from tmadm_inuse_list

DpListRemove: 14 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 14 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 187 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpHalt: wait for end of work processes

DpHalt: wait for end of gateway

*** ERROR => [DpProcDied] Process died (PID:1716 HANDLE:900 rc:0x1) [dpnttool2.c 147]

DpHalt: wait for end of icman

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:18 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:19 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:20 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:21 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:22 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:23 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:24 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:25 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:26 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:27 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:28 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:29 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:30 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:31 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:32 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:33 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:34 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:35 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:36 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

[DpProcDied] Process lives (PID:2096 HANDLE:908)

DpHalt: waiting for termination of icman ...

NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...

NiISelect: timeout 1000ms

NiISelect: maximum fd=1021

NiISelect: read-mask is NULL

NiISelect: write-mask is NULL

Thu Feb 20 20:57:37 2014

NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)

*** ERROR => [DpProcDied] Process died (PID:2096 HANDLE:908 rc:0x0) [dpnttool2.c 147]

DpStartStopMsg: send stop message (myname is >Server-VA_NSP_00 <)

DpStartStopMsg: Write AD_STARTSTOP message with type= 0, name=Server-VA_NSP_00 , sapsysnr= 0, hostname=Server-VA

AdGetSelfIdentRecord: > <

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60 call 00000001417434D0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 4 (AD_STARTSTOP), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 4

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 4 call 000000014173F110

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 4 exit rc=SAP_O_K

DpConvertRequest: net size = 189 bytes

NiBufIAlloc: malloc MSLIB-BUF, to 32110 bytes


NiBufSend starting

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=562,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 562 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/452 bytes) to name -, type 4, key -

DpStartStopMsg: stop msg sent

NiBufIAlloc: malloc MSLIB-BUF, to 32110 bytes

NiBufIAlloc: malloc NIBUF-IN, to 32110 bytes

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274

NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 17


NiBufReceive starting

MsINiRead: received 274 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/164 bytes), flag 1, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -

DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)

DpHalt: more messages from the message server

DpHalt: send keepalive to synchronize with the message server


NiBufSend starting

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_NOOP ok

Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER

NiBufIAlloc: malloc MSLIB-BUF, to 32110 bytes

NiBufIAlloc: malloc NIBUF-IN, to 32110 bytes

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=114

NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 17


NiBufReceive starting

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -

Received 4 bytes from MSG_SERVER

Received opcode MS_NOOP from msg_server, reply MSOP_OK

MsOpReceive: ok

MsISendKeepalive : keepalive sent to message server

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

Thu Feb 20 20:57:38 2014

NiIPeek: peek for hdl 17 timed out (r; 1000ms)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (1000ms)

DpHalt: no more messages from the message server

DpHalt: sync with message server o.k.

DpHalt: detach from message server

***LOG Q0M=> DpMsDetach, ms_detach () [dpxxdisp.c 12635]


NiBufSend starting

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes

MsIDetach: send logout to msg_server (Server-VA / 3900)

MsIDetach: call exit function

DpMsShutdownHook called

NiBufISelUpdate: new MODE -- (r-) for hdl 17 in set0

SiSelNSet: set events of sock 896 to: ---

NiBufISelRemove: remove hdl 17 from set0

SiSelNRemove: removed sock 896 (pos=2)

SiSelNRemove: removed sock 896

NiSelIRemove: removed hdl 17

DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 17 (pos/type=2/4)

MBUF state OFF

AdGetSelfIdentRecord: > <

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60 call 00000001417434D0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 60 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 call 0000000141744290

AdCallRegisteredCvtToExt: opcode 40 exit rc=SAP_O_K

DpWpBlksLow: wp_blks_in_queue/limit/max = 2/800/1000

DpLockWpBlkEx: lock wp ca_blk 2

make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 2

DpRqIPutIntoQ: put elem in queue DIA, elems=7

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into queue (reqtype 1, prio LOW, rq_id 13)

MBUF component DOWN

NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 17/sock 896

NiBufIClose: clear extension for hdl 17

MsIDetach: detach MS-system (Server-VA / 3900)

DpHalt: cleanup EM

EsCleanup( )

EsCleanup ....

EmCleanup() -> 0

Em2Cleanup: Cleanup EM2

Eg2Cleanup: Cleanup EG2

Es2Cleanup: Cleanup ES2

Es2ResLocSlotClear: clear slot 0

Es2ResLocSlotClear: clear slot 0

Es2ResLocSlotClear: clear slot 0

Es2ResLocSlotClear: clear slot 0

***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 1248) [dpxxdisp.c 11107]

DpHalt: Good Bye .....




The services file is as follows.


# Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Microsoft Corp.


# This file contains port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA


# Format:


# <service name> <port number>/<protocol> [aliases...] [#<comment>]



echo 7/tcp

echo 7/udp

discard 9/tcp sink null

discard 9/udp sink null

systat 11/tcp users #Active users

systat 11/udp users #Active users

daytime 13/tcp

daytime 13/udp

qotd 17/tcp quote #Quote of the day

qotd 17/udp quote #Quote of the day

chargen 19/tcp ttytst source #Character generator

chargen 19/udp ttytst source #Character generator

ftp-data 20/tcp #FTP, data

ftp 21/tcp #FTP. control

ssh 22/tcp #SSH Remote Login Protocol

telnet 23/tcp

smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

time 37/tcp timserver

time 37/udp timserver

rlp 39/udp resource #Resource Location Protocol

nameserver 42/tcp name #Host Name Server

nameserver 42/udp name #Host Name Server

nicname 43/tcp whois

domain 53/tcp #Domain Name Server

domain 53/udp #Domain Name Server

bootps 67/udp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server

bootpc 68/udp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client

tftp 69/udp #Trivial File Transfer

gopher 70/tcp

finger 79/tcp

http 80/tcp www www-http #World Wide Web

hosts2-ns 81/tcp #HOSTS2 Name Server

hosts2-ns 81/udp #HOSTS2 Name Server

kerberos 88/tcp krb5 kerberos-sec #Kerberos

kerberos 88/udp krb5 kerberos-sec #Kerberos

hostname 101/tcp hostnames #NIC Host Name Server

iso-tsap 102/tcp #ISO-TSAP Class 0

rtelnet 107/tcp #Remote Telnet Service

pop2 109/tcp postoffice #Post Office Protocol - Version 2

pop3 110/tcp #Post Office Protocol - Version 3

sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind portmap #SUN Remote Procedure Call

sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind portmap #SUN Remote Procedure Call

auth 113/tcp ident tap #Identification Protocol

uucp-path 117/tcp

sqlserv 118/tcp #SQL Services

nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol

ntp 123/udp #Network Time Protocol

epmap 135/tcp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution

epmap 135/udp loc-srv #DCE endpoint resolution

netbios-ns 137/tcp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-ns 137/udp nbname #NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-dgm 138/udp nbdatagram #NETBIOS Datagram Service

netbios-ssn 139/tcp nbsession #NETBIOS Session Service

imap 143/tcp imap4 #Internet Message Access Protocol

sql-net 150/tcp

sqlsrv 156/tcp

pcmail-srv 158/tcp #PCMail Server

snmp 161/udp #SNMP

snmptrap 162/udp snmp-trap #SNMP trap

print-srv 170/tcp #Network PostScript

bgp 179/tcp #Border Gateway Protocol

irc 194/tcp #Internet Relay Chat Protocol

ipx 213/udp #IPX over IP

rtsps 322/tcp

rtsps 322/udp

mftp 349/tcp

mftp 349/udp

ldap 389/tcp #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

https 443/tcp MCom #HTTP over TLS/SSL

https 443/udp MCom #HTTP over TLS/SSL

microsoft-ds 445/tcp

microsoft-ds 445/udp

kpasswd 464/tcp # Kerberos (v5)

kpasswd 464/udp # Kerberos (v5)

isakmp 500/udp ike #Internet Key Exchange

crs 507/tcp #Content Replication System

crs 507/udp #Content Replication System

exec 512/tcp #Remote Process Execution

biff 512/udp comsat

login 513/tcp #Remote Login

who 513/udp whod

cmd 514/tcp shell

syslog 514/udp

printer 515/tcp spooler

talk 517/udp

ntalk 518/udp

efs 520/tcp #Extended File Name Server

router 520/udp route routed

ulp 522/tcp

ulp 522/udp

timed 525/udp timeserver

tempo 526/tcp newdate

irc-serv 529/tcp

irc-serv 529/udp

courier 530/tcp rpc

conference 531/tcp chat

netnews 532/tcp readnews

netwall 533/udp #For emergency broadcasts

uucp 540/tcp uucpd

klogin 543/tcp #Kerberos login

kshell 544/tcp krcmd #Kerberos remote shell

dhcpv6-client 546/tcp #DHCPv6 Client

dhcpv6-client 546/udp #DHCPv6 Client

dhcpv6-server 547/tcp #DHCPv6 Server

dhcpv6-server 547/udp #DHCPv6 Server

afpovertcp 548/tcp #AFP over TCP

afpovertcp 548/udp #AFP over TCP

new-rwho 550/udp new-who

rtsp 554/tcp #Real Time Stream Control Protocol

rtsp 554/udp #Real Time Stream Control Protocol

remotefs 556/tcp rfs rfs_server

rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord

monitor 561/udp

nntps 563/tcp snntp #NNTP over TLS/SSL

nntps 563/udp snntp #NNTP over TLS/SSL

whoami 565/tcp

whoami 565/udp

ms-shuttle 568/tcp #Microsoft shuttle

ms-shuttle 568/udp #Microsoft shuttle

ms-rome 569/tcp #Microsoft rome

ms-rome 569/udp #Microsoft rome

http-rpc-epmap 593/tcp #HTTP RPC Ep Map

http-rpc-epmap 593/udp #HTTP RPC Ep Map

hmmp-ind 612/tcp #HMMP Indication

hmmp-ind 612/udp #HMMP Indication

hmmp-op 613/tcp #HMMP Operation

hmmp-op 613/udp #HMMP Operation

ldaps 636/tcp sldap #LDAP over TLS/SSL

doom 666/tcp #Doom Id Software

doom 666/udp #Doom Id Software

msexch-routing 691/tcp #MS Exchange Routing

msexch-routing 691/udp #MS Exchange Routing

kerberos-adm 749/tcp #Kerberos administration

kerberos-adm 749/udp #Kerberos administration

kerberos-iv 750/udp #Kerberos version IV

mdbs_daemon 800/tcp

mdbs_daemon 800/udp

ftps-data 989/tcp #FTP data, over TLS/SSL

ftps 990/tcp #FTP control, over TLS/SSL

telnets 992/tcp #Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL

imaps 993/tcp #IMAP4 protocol over TLS/SSL

ircs 994/tcp #IRC protocol over TLS/SSL

pop3s 995/tcp spop3 #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)

pop3s 995/udp spop3 #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)

kpop 1109/tcp #Kerberos POP

nfsd-status 1110/tcp #Cluster status info

nfsd-keepalive 1110/udp #Client status info

nfa 1155/tcp #Network File Access

nfa 1155/udp #Network File Access

activesync 1034/tcp #ActiveSync Notifications

phone 1167/udp #Conference calling

opsmgr 1270/tcp #Microsoft Operations Manager

opsmgr 1270/udp #Microsoft Operations Manager

ms-sql-s 1433/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Server

ms-sql-s 1433/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Server

ms-sql-m 1434/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor

ms-sql-m 1434/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor

ms-sna-server 1477/tcp

ms-sna-server 1477/udp

ms-sna-base 1478/tcp

ms-sna-base 1478/udp

wins 1512/tcp #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service

wins 1512/udp #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service

ingreslock 1524/tcp ingres

stt 1607/tcp

stt 1607/udp

l2tp 1701/udp #Layer Two Tunneling Protocol

pptconference 1711/tcp

pptconference 1711/udp

pptp 1723/tcp #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol

msiccp 1731/tcp

msiccp 1731/udp

remote-winsock 1745/tcp

remote-winsock 1745/udp

ms-streaming 1755/tcp

ms-streaming 1755/udp

msmq 1801/tcp #Microsoft Message Queue

msmq 1801/udp #Microsoft Message Queue

radius 1812/udp #RADIUS authentication protocol

radacct 1813/udp #RADIUS accounting protocol

msnp 1863/tcp

msnp 1863/udp

ssdp 1900/tcp

ssdp 1900/udp

close-combat 1944/tcp

close-combat 1944/udp

nfsd 2049/udp nfs #NFS server

knetd 2053/tcp #Kerberos de-multiplexor

mzap 2106/tcp #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol

mzap 2106/udp #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol

qwave 2177/tcp #QWAVE

qwave 2177/udp #QWAVE Experiment Port

directplay 2234/tcp #DirectPlay

directplay 2234/udp #DirectPlay

ms-olap3 2382/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 3

ms-olap3 2382/udp #Microsoft OLAP 3

ms-olap4 2383/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 4

ms-olap4 2383/udp #Microsoft OLAP 4

ms-olap1 2393/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 1

ms-olap1 2393/udp #Microsoft OLAP 1

ms-olap2 2394/tcp #Microsoft OLAP 2

ms-olap2 2394/udp #Microsoft OLAP 2

ms-theater 2460/tcp

ms-theater 2460/udp

wlbs 2504/tcp #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server

wlbs 2504/udp #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server

ms-v-worlds 2525/tcp #Microsoft V-Worlds

ms-v-worlds 2525/udp #Microsoft V-Worlds

sms-rcinfo 2701/tcp #SMS RCINFO

sms-rcinfo 2701/udp #SMS RCINFO

sms-xfer 2702/tcp #SMS XFER

sms-xfer 2702/udp #SMS XFER

sms-chat 2703/tcp #SMS CHAT

sms-chat 2703/udp #SMS CHAT

sms-remctrl 2704/tcp #SMS REMCTRL

sms-remctrl 2704/udp #SMS REMCTRL

msolap-ptp2 2725/tcp #MSOLAP PTP2

msolap-ptp2 2725/udp #MSOLAP PTP2

icslap 2869/tcp

icslap 2869/udp

cifs 3020/tcp

cifs 3020/udp

xbox 3074/tcp #Microsoft Xbox game port

xbox 3074/udp #Microsoft Xbox game port

ms-dotnetster 3126/tcp #Microsoft .NET ster port

ms-dotnetster 3126/udp #Microsoft .NET ster port

ms-rule-engine 3132/tcp #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service

ms-rule-engine 3132/udp #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service

msft-gc 3268/tcp #Microsoft Global Catalog

msft-gc 3268/udp #Microsoft Global Catalog

msft-gc-ssl 3269/tcp #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL

msft-gc-ssl 3269/udp #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL

ms-cluster-net 3343/tcp #Microsoft Cluster Net

ms-cluster-net 3343/udp #Microsoft Cluster Net

ms-wbt-server 3389/tcp #MS WBT Server

ms-wbt-server 3389/udp #MS WBT Server

ms-la 3535/tcp #Microsoft Class Server

ms-la 3535/udp #Microsoft Class Server

pnrp-port 3540/tcp #PNRP User Port

pnrp-port 3540/udp #PNRP User Port

teredo 3544/tcp #Teredo Port

teredo 3544/udp #Teredo Port

p2pgroup 3587/tcp #Peer to Peer Grouping

p2pgroup 3587/udp #Peer to Peer Grouping

ws-discovery 3702/udp #WS-Discovery

ws-discovery 3702/tcp #WS-Discovery

dvcprov-port 3776/tcp #Device Provisioning Port

dvcprov-port 3776/udp #Device Provisioning Port

msfw-control 3847/tcp #Microsoft Firewall Control

msdts1 3882/tcp #DTS Service Port

sdp-portmapper 3935/tcp #SDP Port Mapper Protocol

sdp-portmapper 3935/udp #SDP Port Mapper Protocol

net-device 4350/tcp #Net Device

net-device 4350/udp #Net Device

ipsec-msft 4500/tcp #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T

ipsec-msft 4500/udp #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T

llmnr 5355/tcp #LLMNR

llmnr 5355/udp #LLMNR

wsd 5357/tcp #Web Services on devices

wsd 5358/tcp #Web Services on devices

rrac 5678/tcp #Remote Replication Agent Connection

rrac 5678/udp #Remote Replication Agent Connection

dccm 5679/tcp #Direct Cable Connect Manager

dccm 5679/udp #Direct Cable Connect Manager

ms-licensing 5720/tcp #Microsoft Licensing

ms-licensing 5720/udp #Microsoft Licensing

directplay8 6073/tcp #DirectPlay8

directplay8 6073/udp #DirectPlay8

man 9535/tcp #Remote Man Server

rasadv 9753/tcp

rasadv 9753/udp

imip-channels 11320/tcp #IMIP Channels Port

imip-channels 11320/udp #IMIP Channels Port

directplaysrvr 47624/tcp #Direct Play Server

directplaysrvr 47624/udp #Direct Play Server

sapdp00 3200/tcp

webdispatcher with load-balancing and local icm configuration


Dear all,


we have a webdispatcher in place to load-balance the requests to our three application servers (ABAP). The webdispatcher has a hostname that is resolved by the DNS. The application servers use local hostnames that can't be resolved in our infrastructure at the moment.


That configuration works fine for all requests that reach the infrastructure from outside.


But, if a user logs on with SAP GUI and then calls a web transaction like a webdynpro, the browser opens with the local application server hostname. However that hostname can't be resolved.


Is it possible to change the three local icm configurations in a way that all local generated web requests refers to the webdispatcher too? What is the preferred configuration for this more or less usual scenario?


Thanks in advance,


HTTP Modification Handler works but cannot login to systems




I have one web dispatcher and two backend systems to connect to. I have used HTTP modification handler rules to filter on the following URLs:





(crm_logon is an alias for crm_ui_start)


The web dispatcher successfully re-directs the request to the correct backend system and presents the login screen. The problem is that when I enter my login credentials and hit enter, nothing happens. It sits and spins for a couple of seconds but does not log me in.

The web dispatcher admin tool shows that it is connected to both back end systems and I can see the app servers of each.


My profile is below:


wd profile.PNG

My icm_filter.txt file:



Am I missing something here, or can this not work the way I am using it?



Stuart Banner

Portal HTTP message server port number is not working while redirecting in web Dispatcher


Dear All,


I'm trying to publish the SAP Portal using SAP Web dispatcher pointing to external IP address.

http://<web dispatcher host name>:<web dispatcher port>/ - to point SAP portal and

http://<web dispatcher host name>:<web dispatcher port>/sap/ - to point ECC Backend system


where as, pointing to ECC Backend system is working fine but when trying to launch portal it displays error




the portal http message server port is 8101


The web dispatcher profile parameters maintained as,


#DEV System 


wdisp/system_4=SID=<SID>,MSHOST=<BE system Host name>,MSPORT=8100,SRCSRV=*:7777,SRCURL=/sap/  

wdisp/system_5=SID=<SID>,MSHOST=<Portal system host name>,MSPORT=8100,SRCSRV=*:7777,SRCURL=/



Kindly need your suggestions.




Workflow with SAP NetWeaver Gateway version 7.4 ( POST the HTTP request with Headers Issue )


Hi Everyone,


We are trying approve the workflow decision by POST the HTTP request with Headers (SAP Business Workflow with SAP NetWeaver Gateway version 7.4).


HTTP POST with Headers (x-csrf-token)


we are following the SAP document



Below the code we are trying the same.


var oHeaders = {};


oHeaders["x-csrf-token"] = "<?php echo $csrftoken['xcsrfToken'];?>";

oHeaders["Authorization"] = "Basic ZGV2ZWxvcGVyOm5vc2VjcmV0";



    type: "POST",

    url: "http://server:port/sap/opu/odata/IWWRK/WFSERVICE/ApplyDecision?workitem_id='000000072621'&dec_key='0001'&comments='Approved'",

    data: null,

    headers: oHeaders,

    success: successFunc,

    error: errorFuncDefault



function successFunc(data) {




function errorFuncDefault(data) {

    alert(data + 'error');



We facing the below errors like Method not supported some time and Authorization failed and we tried all possible ways but no result.


Could please help me, where  we are going wrong.



Thanks in advance


How to Deploy EAR files in NW7.4 Java AS (not portal)?




We just took our NW7.02 Pure JAVA AS system to NW7.4 last patch level,

Using SUM SP09



DB = Oracle


The update went fine. But now, we have some custom code we need to deploy. The format is .ear


In the past, we could use SDM, but that is gone. JSPM is no longer an option with 7.4


I read this note:

1715441 - How to deploy .SDA / .EAR files on J2EE servers on Netweaver release 7.1 and higher


but I don't think it takes into account 7.4


I tried using SUM again, but it does not detect the ear file.

SC = Software Component; DC = Development Component; SAR = SAP Archive;

JAR = Java Archive


the old telnet localhost 50008 no longer works


I tried the "deploy.csh" script, but again, the typical 50004 does not connect at all.


The guiconsole script is also not working. I suspect because again, the typical telnet ports are no longer listening with NW7.4 JAVA AS.


Please tell me, how can I deploy my EAR file?

Is the only option NWDS? what am I missing?



SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SPS05 stack upgrade


Dear sappers,


we are upgrading our SAP NetWeaver 7.4 system from SPS03 to SPS05 via SUM (mandatory since SP05).

We are facing the following problem during phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG:



Checks after phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG were negative!

Last error code set: Detected 25 errors summarized in 'ACTUPG.ELG'<br/> Calling 'C:\SUM\SUM\abap\exe/tp' failed with return code 8, check C:\SUM\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO for details<br/> tp used shadow connect


ERROR: Detected the following errors due to error summary in ACTUPG.ELG:

# C:\SUM\SUM\abap\log\SAPA-74004INSAPUI.N74:

1EEDO519X"DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_ADDRESS" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_AVG" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_BPA" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_BP_SO" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_COMPANY" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_DEPTS" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_EMPLOYEE" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_PRODUCT" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_SO" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_SO_ITEM" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_STAFFING" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SDDL_TEXTS" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "QLAST_SO_CASE" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_CDS_ADDRESS" could not be activated



Logs are showing that other objects are being activated, so we don't think is a tp problem.

Preliminary checks by SUM have stated that SPAM and Kernel are sufficient for the upgrade task.


We were wonder: what kind of objects are? Where can we find them insite the NW system?

Anyone is facing the same issue?


Thanks in advance, happy new year to all of you,



No suitable driver found for jdbc:sap://XXXXXXX:31015


Hi Experts,

I was trying to get HANA data to my web dynpro java application. But I am getting error "No suitable driver found for jdbc:sap://XXXXXXX:31015"

I have deployed the "ngdbc.jar" by following the steps in below link



I have given below values for last step.





I am getting error on below code. It is not able to identify the respective driver



But when I created a Custom data source (YY),I am able to call it through JNDI name.



Can anyone tell where is the issue?



Thanks in Advance,


SAP Connect Rules


Dear experts.


i am trying to create some rules regarding the outgoing message.


For instance: if the subject of the email contains the word "prevent" to do not send the email.


Tipical rules just like the outlook.


Is that possible with the SAP connect? Many thanks in advance.

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